Rhythm Tap in Los Angeles
Open with normal schedule on New Year's Day, Jan. 1

Open with normal schedule on New Year's Day, Jan. 1
as of Jan. 21
Starting next week we're changing the names of some class levels: Level 1 / Level 2 becomes Level 1B. Level 2A stays the same. Level 2 becomes Level 2B. Level 2B becomes Level 3. There also are modest changes to class times. The Fitli schedule on the class booking page is current. The website schedule sometimes is not up to date.
To deal with crowding on Sunday morning, people are allowed to sign up for only one Sunday class until midnight of the night before.
as of Dec. 31
Open with normal schedule on New Year's Day, Jan. 1.
as of Dec. 15...
We are open for most classes on the holidays, but check the reservation system and schedule for up-to-date information. We will be open for special classes on Christmas morning, but not for the regular Wednesday schedule on Christmas night.
as of Nov. 18...
We are back to normal with regular classes. We will be closed on Thanksgiving, but open for regular classes the rest of the weekend.
as of Nov. 10
General admission seats for our original five performances are nearly sold out . There are still some great reserved seats avaialable for all shows. But we've added a Nov. 15, 8 pm show that will be all $35 general admission seats. And if you make a reservation for htis new show while attending a show on the first weekend you can get a general admission seat for this added show for $5. Go to "Curse Tickets" page for details.
As of Oct. 10
Until Nov. 18, no new students will be accepted other than beginners. This is because all of the higher-level classes have been converted to rehearsals to prepare for our original tap musical that opens Nov. 9.
NEWS: We are putting time in the schedule for new kids beginning classes: one for ages 6 through 9 and one for ages 9 through 13. We also have a Level 2A class for kids. Some classes have started. Others are about to doso. Please inquire with any questions.
New adult students -- classes six days a week -- are accepted on an ongoing basis to the all-age classes. And we really do have adults of all ages and ability and experience. Our beginning classes are truly for beginners. But if you need extra support, we will help you. This is your chance to get into class ahead of the New Year's resolution tappers.
COVID SAFETY: We ended our COVID vaccine requirement as of March 1, 2023 because it became too problematic to track everyone's immune status -- such as which boosters they had and when.
Masks are provided to anyone who wamts them. We also have two HEPA-grade air purifiers in the room and the central air system is outfitted with a MERV-13 filter.
Most importantly, please exercise thoughtful common sense. Don't come to class if you test positive for COVID or are sick with anything else that is contagious. If you are within the contagious range for COVID or have been exposed through travel or personal contacts, please choose to wear a mask in class.
OTHER INFO: One Zoom/in-person combo class takes place on Wednesdays at 7:30 pm (Level 2) -- and recordings of these classes will continue to be available on request to Zoom clients.
Zoom prices are $10 for one session or $15 for 29 days from the time of purchase. Just as before, there are no beginning classes on Zoom.
Prices. Classes are $15 apiece when you make a reservation at least three hours in advance. The drop-in price is $20 per class. We also have unlimited plans for those who want to save money while taking a lot of classes.
Shoe rentals are $2 per visit. Please don’t forget to pay the shoe fee. Shoe repairs are expensive and I have to replace shoes periodically.
Class reservations are mandatory -- even if you have an unlimited plan. For those on unlimited plans, those who show up without a reservation will pay a fee of $5, presuming there is space for you in class, The no-show fee for those on an unlimited plan also will be $5 if you make a reservation and don't use or cancel it. You can cancel a reservation and use that credit later up to 6 hors before a class. Many classes fill up and we can't guarantee your space without a reservation.
The current schedule
(There will continue to be some availability for private lessons):
5:30 pm: Kids beginning class, ages 6 to 9.
8:30 pm: Transition from Level 1 to Level 2
6:30 pm, Level 1, beginners.
7:30 pm, Level 2A, just beyond beginners.
6:15 pm, Level 1/Level 2, a class for gradual transition from Level 1 to Level 2. Not for first-time beginners.
7:30 pm, Level 2A-B, Zoom and in-studio simultaneously. Please be sure to sign up for the correct session because the Zoom and in-person sessions, although simultaneous, are listed separately.
8:45 pm, Level 3
6:30 pm Kids class
8:30 am: help by arrangement
9:00 am: Level 3, Eddie Brown class
10 am: Level 2B
11:15 am: Level 2A
12:45 pm: Level 1 Beginning,
8:45 am Level 1 Beginning
10 am Level 2A, Just Past Beginners.
11:15 am Level 2B, Fastest Level 2 class of the week.
12:30 pm: Level 3
Parking. It can be challenging because the city has allowed -- even encouraged -- people to convert their garages into apartments and there are still many Air BnBs about. I usually have two parking spaces on my property -- if you know where to look -- and will soon have one or two more.
Classes are 55 minutes long. I have revised the schedule to put some space between the most crowded classes to make parking easier and also to allow for mini-show rehearsals between classes.
Zoom Rules:
1. Beginners: We are not currently doing start-from-scratch beginners on Zoom. These students must come to the studio for regular indoors classes. Beginners also can arrange for private lessons.
2. Non-beginners: You make your own reservations at tapwithhoward.com or at fitli.com However, if you don’t already have the sign-in code, you’ll need to get it from Howard. Request by email: howard.tap@gmail.com.
3. If a Zoom class is taking place, you can take the class without a reservation just by logging in if there is room. Howard will let in those without reservations (drop-in students) on a first-come, first-served basis, as soon as he notices you. You have to qualify for the class that you want to attend, which means you can't be either too inexperienced or too advanced for a particular level. Inquire if you have doubts about which classes you'd fit into. (If you drop-in without a Zoom reservation, Howard will add you to the roll sheet later and “book” the lesson for you.)
4. The arrival window will open about 10 minutes before class and will close two minutes after the scheduled class time. In other words, you can't really be late and count on getting into the class. Even if you have a reservation, you probably won't get in if you are late. Once you log in, you may be in the “waiting room” for a few minutes before being let in to the live session. If Howard doesn't recognize you, he won't let you into the class. (This is to prevent Zoom-bombing.)
5. Please do all necessary stretching before the class. Do not dance on an unsafe surface or in an unsafe way.
6. To keep the signal strong and in the right place, you must mute your audio and should mute your video during class -- until you need to ask a question, respond to a question or show what you're working on. The other reason that we have to mute your audio is that the loudest noise will take over the video. You can and should unmute to ask questions, but you’ll likely have to hold your questions for designated moments.
7. Zoom sessions will last about 45 minutes or longer but typically not more than an hour.
9. These are virtual classes, so anyone can take them from anywhere – even from Australia or Hong Kong! However, Howard won't let in people he doesn't recognize or hasn't heard from in advance.
Classes are Wednesday and Thursday nights, Saturdays and Sundays. Howard is willing to teach any level of student, preferably those who are committed to sticking with it for a while.
Tap dancers sometimes make a distinction between Broadway-style “show tap” and “rhythm tap,” which is more akin to jazz and percussion...
Eddie Brown was a marvelous improviser, meaning he could invent taps to music as he performed. The Saturday 10 am. "Eddie Brown" class is so named because it was his, up to his death in 1992, when his students asked his young assistant, Howard, to keep it going.
Main Studio - Silver Lake
This class is not currently being offered on Zoom. First-time beginners must take class at the studio. Vaccine documentation required IN ADV...
Main Studio - Silver Lake
Main Studio - Silver Lake
Level 2 is the next level from beginners. Level 2A at 10 am on Sunday and 7:30 pm on Tuesday are geared toward the less-experienced, provide...
Main Studio - Silver Lake
Main Studio - Silver Lake
Class is geared toward more-experienced half of the group.
click reservation button at tapwithhoward.com or go to fitli.com and search for t...
Main Studio - Silver Lake
Main Studio - Silver Lake
This class is focused on choreography. Class is geared toward the more experienced half of the group,
To register: howard.tap@gmail.com
Main Studio - Silver Lake
If you wish to take a class via Zoom, please make a reservation and send an email inquiry for the sign-in code.
PLEASE NOTE: We are located on a street-to-street property. The property address is 3115 Berkeley CIRCLE, but the studio faces out onto the street on the other side, which is Berkeley AVENUE. The best way to find our studio is to locate 3111 Berkeley AVENUE and then look ACROSS THE STREET for the dance studio, which is on the second floor above a garage.
3115 Berkeley Circle, Los Angeles, California 90026, United States