Thanks to everyone for making this show a success!
Stay tuned for more information about things to come.
Just in case you were wondering, here was the set-up for the just-completed show....
Strange goings-on are afoot at The Shady Deal Retirement Village for Has-Been Entertainers and Public Officials (or TSDRVHBEPO for short). The Shady Deal's infirmary -- and the abandoned theater next door -- are concealing a dark secret as residents begin to disappear.
In this rollicking, tap-dancing adventure, the timing could not be worse for stressed-out proprietor Suzy Fluzy as a city inspection looms. Even in the industry-friendly, bribe-conscious City of Vermin, CA, there's only so much that can be tolerated. Especially because The Shady Deal management also operates the adjacent Orphanage for Charming but Unnecessary Children.
The year is 1997 and a foreboding, not-yet-known global calamity will turn out to have a bizarre tie-in to the troubles at The Shady Deal. Can Suzy and her resident friends -- Pelvis Ressley and the "real" Bill Clinton -- solve the mystery before it's too late? Maybe yes, Maybe no, but one thing is for sure: Tap dancing will be front and center from beginning to end at our tap dance show in Los Angeles.
The company of dancers were the stars of the show, but the cast also was proud to feature company founder Howard Blume (also known as a longtime L.A. Times journalist), Reggio McLaughlin (honored by President Biden as a living national treasure for his tap dancing and devotion to the craft) and comedian/actor Suzy Nakamura (with a long list of featured roles on TV and stage).
The location was the Nocturne Theatre in Glendale.
324 N Orange St, Glendale, CA 91203
For photos and clips from the show, visit the Facebook page of Tap Dance with Howard Blume.
Click here for an article about Howard at the time of the previous original tap musical: Hotel Tapifornia. You can click here for a Spectrum TV feature from Dec. 2019 about "Tapwater," a previous show. And here is a newspaper article about this earlier show.
Click here for information from the National Endowment about "Reggio the Hoofer" McLaughlin.
There's lots of information about our tap dance show in Los Angeles and our normal programming at